05-18-2008, 06:26 PM
I don't see why Wii and Ps3 competing is ridicules since they're both gaming consoles, although the Ps3 is technically superior, but it lacks good games to put it to the test and it cost like a kidney, so it's out of reach for the average family. As for the Wii it's just too childish for my taste, although there are some games I would like to try, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is one of them. The Xbox 360 is a good medium, it doesn't cost as much as the Ps3, as good games and it as HD. But between Ps3 and Wii, I would probably go with the Ps3, although it costs like hell and doesn't have many games, it as a more hardcore gamer feeling in it.
Natural Born Headbanger
TAG Game
Score: Crani:51