Thread: Wii or PS3?
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(#163 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-18-2008, 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by girlgamer1984 View Post
@ Misa Misa. Did you even read my post? Or just decided to ignore everything. Firstly, you were the one to bring this whole argument into discussion. Secondly, I have asked you this at least 5 time now; what do you exactly mean about innovation?
You said exactly the same thing as Tyrien, so I gave you exactly the same reply.

By innovation I mean the new features which are not currently present on other a games consoles, such as the motion sensors. Also, look at the Wii Board. It can detect exactly where you are standing and if you move it knows where you have moved to, which could be an amazing addition to future games. You could actually physically walk around, open door handles and so on. Actually be in the game. The Wii is undeniably more interactive than the other consoles, and that is of course the main point in it. The only thing that was ever sort of similar was the Eye-Toy which was really buggy and didn't really take off, also you could only do extremely simple things with it.
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