Originally Posted by girlgamer1984
What the? They haven't what?!!!! These games are out and are not even new any more, as Gears 2 is already on its way!!! O-O;
Sorry my mistake, I was talking about the Ps3 one's from this post:
Originally Posted by girlgamer1984
With all of the acessories, 360 costs just as much, if not more than PS3. PS3 is also a whole year younger than 360. Even after two years 360 has failed to deliver heavy hitters. PS3 is brining out MGS and other great games, including Final Fantasy XIII, White Knight choronicles etc. As far as the games are concerned, then 360 is a failure so far imo.
There again sorry.
Originally Posted by MissMisa
Well it's all speculation it could be anything. Though helmet devices are those kind of things you see on Sci-Fi films from the 70s
I'm really excited to see what the next set of consoles by Sony, Nintendo and Mircosoft will be. They just keep topping the last console they did. I reckon it would be awesome if Nintendo kept the motion sensor thing with the graphics on the PS3 and the online play of the Xbox 360. That would be the ultimate console 
There are prototypes of such helmets, I believe, and funny thing they're making a gaming vest where you fill the bullets or whatever when your in-game character is hit. As for the next gen I would like to see other companies steeping forward whit good ideas, like Heinz Ketchup...XD.