Thread: Wii or PS3?
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-18-2008, 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by girlgamer1984 View Post
Just because you were unable to utilize the eyetoy's features, I will not believe that it is buggy... I still need proof, not some randon rant of a girl.
Sixaxis is not used in any game? Okay, now I am 100% sure that you know nothing of the gaming world. That controller was used in every game, since it was the ONLY controller with the PS3. They have just launched rumble controller, so now the buyers have choice. And btw, how did you come to the conclusion that they put this feature into their controller about they learnt of motion sensing? Got any proof?

Zelda is pssibilly the only franchise, along with Metriod Prime that have been popular over the ages....

What the? They haven't what?!!!! These games are out and are not even new any more, as Gears 2 is already on its way!!! O-O;
It wasn't a random rant it was an observation I got from playing the game. It wasn't as accurate as it could have been, probably due to the quality of the camera. Yes it was the ONLY controller, but did that controller utilise all of it's abilities? Nope I don't believe it did. You can stick anything to a controller you want, you don't always have to use it. If you look at the date the Nintendo released the motion sensor information, and the dates that Sony released there Sixaxis, it was a long time after Nintendo Wii, therefore that's how I came to that conclusion. You don't have to believe that, but I do. It seemed to me like a rush job and in comparison to the Nintendo Wiis motion sensor it is crap.

Oh and also, quote from Wikipedia.

'A major feature of the controller is the ability to sense both rotational orientation and translational acceleration along all three dimensional axes, providing six degrees of freedom.[7] This became a matter of controversy, as the circumstances of the announcement, made less than eight months after Nintendo revealed motion-sensing capabilities in its new game console controller (see Wii Remote), led to speculation that the addition of motion-sensing was a late-stage decision by Sony to follow Nintendo's move.'

Sony doesn't even have a franchise I can think of. Nintendo's is Mario, Sega's is Sonic, Microsofts' is Halo and Sony's is...? And by the way, you didn't even mention Mario which seriously gives me doubts about your knowledge.

And finally, I don't give a damn what you think of my knowledge of the gaming world ^_^

Last edited by MissMisa : 05-18-2008 at 08:20 PM.
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