Originally Posted by Crani
There are prototypes of such helmets, I believe, and funny thing they're making a gaming vest where you fill the bullets or whatever when your in-game character is hit. As for the next gen I would like to see other companies steeping forward whit good ideas, like Heinz Ketchup...XD.
Oh that's cool! There is so much cool stuff a games console could have in the future. Maybe giving games a sense of smell would be a cool thing? When your in a spring field you can smell grass or in a dungeon it would smell damp and cavey
. Then it would cater to another sense.
Originally Posted by Crani
Sony as the God Of War franchise on it's corner, although it wasn't on the Ps1.
Yeah but it's not like the mascot, it hasn't been there all the way and it isn't something you instantly think of when you think of the PS3 [well not in my opinion anyway.]