Originally Posted by Tyrien
Ever heard of Lair? It wasn't a popular game (popularity doesn't make it a bad or good game, a lot of people just didn't like the controls) but it did make full use of the Sixaxis.
A lot of games have options controls of the sixaxis. Typically driving games.
Folklore also made good use of the Sixaxis. There were a variety of different combination you had to use in common gameplay.
The Eyetoy (Now called the PSEye) has gotten a lot better since the PS2 Days. There's no real games that use it other than eye of judgement (mainly because it's a $40 'controller' on it's own so making it a requirement wouldn't be wise unless included with the game). There's several PSN games that take advantage of it. One of my favorite is Trials of Tropoq.
No, I haven't heard of the game Lair. Though if I ever get the chance, I'll definatly check it out, I want to see what the Sixaxis can really do when used properly.
I must admit, I haven't played the Eye-Toy since the PS2 days, which I was certain had faults. It was in no way completely flawless and could dectect everything, and that wasn't my fault the way I was playing it. I was watching people playing it in the shopping center and it was the same for everyone. I personally wouldn't buy it unless it was bundled with something, like I probably wouldn't have bought the Wii Wheel but it came bundled with Mario Kart Wii.