Originally Posted by girlgamer1984
@ MM. Have you been sleeping for the past whole year? The motion sensing is utilized in almost all the games... God, I cannot belive I am wasting my time with you, as you have no proof to back up your self-made claims.
I didn't tell her that on purpose...
Utilised doesn't simply mean it's 'used'. It means it has some actual decent value when playing the game, which in comparison to the Nintendo Wii's controller I highly doubt it does. And you haven't actually proved anything you've said either. At least I've pasted Wikipedia quotes and some stats.
And no I haven't been sleeping for the past year. I admit I'm not as much in tune in the gaming world as I was when I was 12. But you know, some of us have A Levels to think about, exams to revise for and I generally can't sit on my ass all day reading game magazines. If I want to get into the game design industry then I need these qualifications.