Originally Posted by sunekosuri
Shut Up You Ugly F4g MMM, your too ugly to post here !!! hide !!
Dunno who peed in his cheerios this morning but yeah onto the topic... Japan doesn't like foreigners working jobs that Japanese can do, especially anyone with out a degree or a steady source of income because they don't want to have to support them. My gaijin friend is a fairly successful DJ here but he has a valid work visa just like MMM did and a sponsor. On another note Japan isn't as forgiving about overstaying your visa as some countries, they tend to detain you a long time then letting you go with an official don't come back for 5+ years going away present, they also like to make sure you have money to spend in Japan before you come here so you don't wind up homeless and stuck in Japan thus becoming their problem. If you have been to Japan a number of times you should have picked up on this little thing, if you have no Job, no degree and not a lot of money to spend and then go home there there not interested. Sorry to be so negative >.<