Originally Posted by Thunda
Don't go even to WC with your car, tell your parents you rather take the bus, small things make change. Also, buy a Hybrid Lexus if you have the money..
oookay I could go on all day
like i said earlier >.>'''
there are a LOT of things that we can do to contribute to the environment~
buuut x]
there are a few problems~
first off, most all eco friendly alternatives are bit more expensive (thus, unwilling buyers; w/ the willing and capable buyers a VERY VERY small minority)
second, most all eco friendly alternatives are scarcely practical (no one's going to go out of their way for anyone else, much less the environment. and again, environmentalist = very VERY small minority)
third, environmentalist, and even people in general that give even half a rats @$$ about the environment are a VERY small minority...not to mention how many hypocrites are included into that minority as well >.>'
if just one person in every hundred thousand were to do something right (environmentally)...
well...we wouldn't be making very much progress x]
maybe if the ratio were something of 1 in every 2-4
then, i can believe that that small number is making a diff~
andddd our environment iS changing =.=
whether it's a phase or not...
but some clams don't grow as big as they used too
due to the warmer weather ._.
which means =.='''
smaller sashimi portions ;_;