Thread: movies in Japan
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tommasi (Offline)
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05-20-2008, 02:17 AM

Originally Posted by chachava View Post
So every other country in the world is a 'test market' getting a movie ready for Japan

Surely that isn't the reason
I didn't say every other country in the world is a test market for Japan.

But Japan is not a test market that's all I'm saying.

Distributors are probably thinking, why not wait and see whether the movie does well in the US or in other markets.

It reflects on the fact that Japan is a risk adverse society.

Also, marketers in Japan like using the external hype to create demand domestically.

Just like Abercrombie & Fitch and H&M are about to enter the Japanese market and there's a reason why they chose no to enter Japan earlier.

They have tested and created enough hype so that the entry to the market would be successful one.
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