Originally Posted by HYDfan
Finally! There are some sane people in the world. Global warming isn't real. Yes, the climate here is changing.. well guess what? Mars is getting hotter now too... you think it's all the cars and hairspray cans that the aliens use?? sheesh..
First of all... you sound like you've been reading into research carried out by Corporate sponsored thinktanks of which I know is out there. However I'm not going to debate the science behind it as I know very little about it.
All I'll say is that I'm going to trust research endorsed and carried out via the UN over any of these thinktanks.
Oh by the way... You contradict yourself. You say global warming isn't real and then in the next sentence claim that the climate is changing. Though I suspect you meant to argue that humans don't play a significant role in climate change. The degree to which humans play a part however is irrelevant to me. The more important challenge is how to adapt to face these problems. Because if you're right and the human impact is minimal then there is no way to avert them.