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(#30 (permalink))
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noodle (Offline)
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05-20-2008, 10:51 AM

I disagree with the FACT thing... I've never had a proper course in French until last year... Yet, I managed to pick up french from Anime and TV when I was younger... And I'm sure, if I had listened to it in Japanese when I was younger, it'd be Japanese that I speak instead of French...

Another example, I have a chinese friend in my class here... he's never had a single lesson of Japanese all his life, yet he can have basic conversations and can understand A LOT of Japanese, simply from watching anime and Japanese shows for the past 10 years... One thing I will say though, don't count on your level to be surperiour, but saying that you cannot learn Japanes from it is ridiculous... How do babies learn any language without having a translation for it?????
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