Originally Posted by chachava
lol, I try to stay clear of tourists to be honest...sounds like it might be the best after reading that
I'm not sure if it's the humidity, but people smell waaaaaay worse than back in UK during the summer months
I`d say it`s probably more the number of people. You`re way more likely to run into someone who has a serious body odor issue when there are more people around.
ETA; Given a little more thought, it`s also probably a sort of pile up effect.
In general, body odor here does seem to be much less pungent - on an individual basis. Therefore, people are less likely to attempt to cover a mild natural scent... Which is fine, as you probably wouldn`t notice any odor unless you shoved your face in their armpit. However, when you`re on the train or in a very crowded location, each little bit sort of adds to an overall smell. When you have enough mild scents, well, it turns into an unpleasant stench.
But... I`ll be honest - I prefer unpleasant natural smells over someone slathered in perfume. That REALLY makes my eyes water, and after a few minutes even gives me a headache.