Thread: Wii or PS3?
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(#188 (permalink))
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girlgamer1984 (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 156
Join Date: Jul 2007
05-20-2008, 11:28 PM

'Lol whatever?' Aren't you like 20 or something? :S

Anyway, I'm already aware of those sites thanks. I'm still sceptical about the Sixaxis motion in comparison to the Wii Mote motion and if your trying to say that it's better then unforunatly you'll have a hard time arguing that. The Wii Mote is blantantly better, that's what it was designed for.
Why did this, "Lol whatever" actually compelled you question my maturity? I am a little touchy about this whole, English-affair, so, I would not even venture off in this realm if I were you. Oh, and good luck for your exams.

Light today has dawned on my wooden head.
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