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(#13 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-21-2008, 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
Though I post regularly, I see value in those who only read the forum. Other than the General Topics, there is much to be learned hear from by those who are busier "listening" than "talking".

I say test the email addresses of those who are inactive and then delete those that are no longer valid. Any pruning of the membership beyond this is a disservice to many of the actual Japan-focused threads.

Besides the volume of the member list should only be an issue of capacity. Any system handling this volume of posting should not be looking to it membership data to free up capacity. Compared to storing the posts it's storage requirement is miniscule. The only others who I can see needing the membership list compacted would be either spammers or stalkers collecting data. Why would anyone else mind scanning more than a screen or two to find someone's profile that they wanted to contact?
If they only read the forum, then there would be no need to actually have an account. And if there were parts of the forum you couldn't see without an account, they would probably have signed in a few intervals to have a look, and you can tell this by the 'Last Activity' part in their profile.

The member list is massive and full of people who never posted on the site after registering, or only posted one thread and never came back to check the replied [which I think is this most annoying thing to do.]

However, it begs the question, what's the point in the clean up? Maybe it should just be to give an accurate measure of how many members are actually active on JapanForum, I don't know. But looking at that list it is absolutely massive and it seems we only have a few active mods, I doubt they want to waste their time doing all that. And the main admin of this site isn't here anymore I don't think, I presume it's that ShinjukuEki because they have the ability to post on the main page? Though you can't tell whether that person is active or not ^-^;;
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