05-21-2008, 03:08 PM
it's just some translation.. so those words seems weird.. as in somehow it direct translated for me, in some cases.. (if it looks damn weird to u, juz ignore it.. it's the translator fault ;x)
so i can onli try my best to understand what it means.. lol
this is what miko sort of describe or rather feels that way..
jyou - little brother
omi - elder sister
naoto - twin
mally - mother (i like this one ;xx)
and this is how jyou feels[i think i'd use feel instead of describe..]
omi - Let's do not shop together again.
miko - Let's occasionally make the tune together. (btw.. i think most of the song is written by miko.. at least for the Annunciation -the heretic elegy- album)
naoto - No longest association. Hereafter, it will be
suitably ..becoming it.. .. (i dun understand this -_-)
mally - It always counts on in reality though Fzake each other. (i dun think i understand this either)
omi's turn..
jyou - muscle (-scratches head-)
miko - you beloved (the translator is getting more weird)
naoto - horror (i like this 1 too xD)
mally - professor/expert (erm.. this 1 is taken frm the dictionary)
naoto's turn
jyou - easiness
omi - quietness
miko - movement (o_O?)
mally - (she didn't write anything -_-)
lastly, mally xD
jyou - thin
omi - food (i dunno wad she mean)
miko - little devil
naoto - turn over (hmms..?)