ok, in claims thread, I see he's been claimed, so never mind.
If it is, who it seems it is.
Originally Posted by LittleFallenAngel
Hai, Its what they call a plectrum here.
But im not sure if Crystal tear knew that^^.
So she said plectrum instead of pic *nods*
ah, ok.
reply to old-ish post I just ran across
Originally Posted by orewasenshi
I'm claiming Aoi since nobody has~
I know I'm a little late.. but someone did before you.
I still am not absolutely sure if it's Kenzo after all. I am still searching.
also, I didn't actually see anyone here claim him, even though he's listed as claimed in the claims thread. I am so confused.
listed as Kenzo at photobucket

awww... *dies*

kinda smirky?
