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JF's Ero Sennin
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My update on FF12 - 11-02-2006, 03:56 PM

ok update one ff12 they did change some things from the demo, Not sure how I feel about the game it looks like they made it hard to under stand then they need to.

Things about it
The opening to the game is any where I think from 10 to 15 mins long or at least that about how long it felt. I Think Gorge Lucas had something to do with the game because the opening movie clip and the battle in it reminded me of Star wars EP1 and 2. If not did not have anything to do with it he may have a lawsuit on his hands lol.

The graphics so far seem worse then FF10 not by much but they do seem worse. I rate them as 8.5 on a scale of 1- 10 on how good they are I would have given ff10 a 8.7

Combat is slightly different from Demo. I only played the game for an hour. This game is an attempt to move FF away from the menu system and away from a turn based game the demo was none turn based. This is still semi turn based but it is also real time. when you pick a action you have a charge bar that charges up when it full you can get to attack or have your spell cast. You will keep doing that action until you change it to a different one. Combat seems easy enough to control so far it seems like magic can only target 1 person they may have areas effect in later spells.

This game has also gone back to the roots of FF in a few ways the game opens up with new Rotated version main FF theme and the light warrior�s song from ff1. Also from ff 1 it looks as if you have to buy spells again. So far looks like there is no job system in this game any more looks like any one can use any magic. Also another bad feature that I did like in the Original ff1 for nes is if your target dies you spell or attacks fails you have to pick a new one and start over with your charge bar. I am guessing this was to make it feel more real time I would prefer it they had it auto target the closet bad guy and save the charge.

Leveling up have not gotten there yet. You start the game with one character and then switch to another after the chapter ends. There where not enough bad guys for me to level up the first character. There is a limited number look like no more random battles so far. You can see the enemies on the map and by moving right analog stick and changing your view.

Magic and abilities and items are now all under the same menu. Called items lol
You cast spell in real time you no longer go to the menu after combat to cast your cure spell to heal your self. You press the action button it brings up the action menu and pick from there.

Speaking of items I am guessing this is the replacement for any kind of job system or setting a character to one type of job as seen in all the other FF's
There this thing called license point system there you spend the license points you get from killing creatures to be able to equip a new item or magic this is where I think they made thing more complex they the need to. I am also guess this is kind of a replacement to the grid system switch I liked the best in ff10 it kind of reminds me everything because it set up like a giant chess board or checkers table and as you learn to use new items you have more items options show up in witch they cost more license points.

I think it stupid that you have to buy an item then go spend points so you can use it. I tell you more lately as I play it more but the story line looks very well written so far. I get the felling this game is going to be either really long or really short. The story makes it seem like it might be long and have lots of plot twist, but the level of graphic and the number of NPC in the first town not to mention the long opening sequence, high quality music make think the game maybe short. There only so much info they get fit on a dual layer DVD and they game is only one disc. That is if the disc is even dual layered. Oh yeah the world map is back you get to it from the party menu hit select and you get the map of the current area you are in. I am yeah not sure how the air ships are going to work my guess is just like ff 10.

The number of NPCs in the first town is crazy they are cluttered all over the place and you can talk to about 80% of them. Getting info from all of these people is going to take some time.

The game basicly a single player MMO or at least that what it looks and feels like.

There are 3 kinds of perverts in this world
1. Those that hid it.
2. Those that accpect.
3. Those that are Ero Sennin
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