Thread: Exams
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(#74 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-21-2008, 09:38 PM

Originally Posted by noodle View Post
one said B???????????????? what the???... In english, british english anyway, as far as I know, it can either be C or D... I've never heard it being A or B... DEFINATELY not B anyway!
I think it depends on the context really.

A is like saying, it is made of the cotton and linen material.

B sounds wrong >.<

C sounds like it is saying, it is made with cotton and linen but it may not be just those materials.

D sounds like, it is made from these materials [ so those are the raw materials. ]

It's kinda confusing and very similar but that's the way I see it if that makes any sense at all.
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