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(#11 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
05-22-2008, 06:58 PM

In order from top to bottom:

#1: Overall, it's not bad. The upper-most portion of the face, however, (starting from the eyes) seems considerably more flat in comparison to the angle of the nose and mouth. Tip: The nearest eye should usually appear somewhat larger than the farthest, when drawing a slightly angled face.

#2: The head seems fine, but, from the neck-down, the proportions seem unusual. The anatomy looks incorrect.

I understand, it can sometimes be difficult to fit everything you'd intended to, onto the page.
It'll take practice, but try not to get ahead of yourself. The body must match the face or it can compromise the entire picture.

#3: It's an excellent attempt. However, the symmetry is off - the face is too big for the shape and size of the head -- or vice versa. And, again, the anatomy is also incorrect. Note the shoulder/armpit; it looks very unnatural.

For me, it was very difficult to draw the hands. And, even today, I still can't say I completely satisfied with the way they turn out. All I can tell you is that practice ensures improvement. Keep trying! (^_o)d

#4: There are no obvious mistakes. You did pretty good. (^_^)

#5: I think I understand kind the image you were trying to create. Though, the left half of the face - more specifically, the eye - doesn't seem to agree with the right half. The left cheek seems wider than the right cheek, and left-eye is looking in another direction than the right one.

Overall, I think it looks pretty good. The flaws are fairly subtle.
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