Thread: Versailles
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(#59 (permalink))
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Drend (Offline)
The Unfortunate Otaku
Posts: 214
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Galveston, Texas
05-23-2008, 01:29 AM

Sorta hard to tell what I'm asking with just these pictures, but has anyone ever noticed the thing Hizaki does with his neck/head? Every so often he'll nod or move his neck sideways like he's trying to pop it/has a crick in it when he plays, and he does it a LOT. Does anyone know why? Sometimes it looks like he's keeping rhythm by doing it, but I really can't tell.

Another story since this is, of course, the Versailles thread. My English teacher learned earlier into the year that my friend and I are both REALLY into anime and j-rock. She seemed so fascinated by our dedication to it and wondered why it was so great. Of course, I listen to Dir en Grey, Unsraw, and Screw as well, and she didn't like them and almost dismissed it (not in a rude way, but more of a "this isn't my type of thing" kind of way) I asked her to watch the Revenant Choir PV, and she was like...
[size=6]o_______o[size=2]THE WHOLE TIME! She told us that they were beautiful women (Forgot to explain visual kei to the best of my ability to her, so I explained it and she surprisingly understood it, which not even most of my friends do). I was just amazed that she liked it. She seemed fascinated at the whole otaku thing and how I can manage keeping a grip on reality as well ;;>_>

Can't wait for A-kon, etc etc, I'm probably entering the cosplay contest since they get seats near the front, and I'll hope they don't move us out to set up for the concert xD
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Last edited by Drend : 05-23-2008 at 01:57 AM.
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