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05-23-2008, 03:35 AM

Originally Posted by BakaCrisis View Post
Dude, That is niice!! Good job! What's it say?
These eight Cardinal Words are used by the Chinese for self-improvement and personal development. Just like the Cardinal
Points of the Compass: North, South, East and West, these words
will help you to set your personal course in life.

This word means what it says: be polite in dealing with people.
No air-rage, no road-rage, say thank you, pardon me for occasions
which warrants it, and greet people with a nice good-morning and
a nice good-bye. Do it not as a hypocritical act but as a gesture of
respect for the other person. Do unto others what you want them
to do unto you. Be polite to people and they will respect you.

Do what is right. The Chinese strongly believe that a person knows
what is right and what is wrong. The word itself is made up of 2 parts
or radicals. The top radical means 'sheep'. The bottom radical means
'myself'. The Lamb's redemption above my head. Sounds familiar?
All these words are for self-improvement, not self-righteousness.

Be demurred, do not boast. The Chinese believe that whoever is
strong, there is always one who is stronger. Whoever is smart will find
another person who is smarter. The other meaning of this word is "to
live within one's means" and not to spend lavishly. You have heard,
no doubt, of the saying "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit
the kingdom".

Literally translated, this word means 'shame'. But in the context of
the other words, it means 'To know shame'. Have self-dignity, do not do things which are shameful.

Be faithful to your belief, to your country, friends and family, and
above all, be faithful to your own self. In other words, be honest to
others and do not lie to them, or to YOURSELF.

Have the guts to stand up to your belief and stand up against

Treat other people with civility and compassion. Have a 'Human
Face'. Do unto others what you like them to do unto you. The best
way to explain this word is the following brief story:
When John F. Kennedy was first elected to the White House, he
was briefed by the military about US and Soviet nuclear capabilities
and the method of using them. He was told that the US and the Soviet
Union have thousands of nuclear weapons aimed at each other's cities
and the method of use was 'Assured Mutual Destruction'. In a nuclear
war, the missiles would be released to blow each other into dust. Upon
hearing that, Kennedy was in extreme disgust. He rapped his front
teeth with his fingers and snarled, "We do this ? and we call ourselves
human beings ?"

Having good human qualities. Not just the above, but other qualities
such as patience, grace, restrain (Ninja means a person who restrains
himself, and NOT one who is running around and beating people up),
benevolence and others.

Last edited by Gerard : 05-23-2008 at 03:37 AM.