Thread: Tattoo Help
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05-23-2008, 02:02 PM

Originally Posted by TalnSG View Post
Normally I would have advised against a tat that ran down the spine, but that is the exception that makes the rule I guess. With that design, it is the only place appropriate. And I cannot think of a much more appropriate design for the spine. Bravo, Gerard!

The reason I would advise against a spinal tat is, as you pointed out, its very painful. Fortunately a machine tat's needles don't go deep enough to be dangerous, but if you were to use some other more primative/traditional means, the punctures could go deep enough to cause problems. Spinal acupuncture is not for amateurs.

The reason this is so painful is there is no padding of the bone and cartilage to absorb the vibration and its the center for nerve bundling. The more muscle or fat you have to cushion the impact, the less painful the process should be. Another factor that surprises some people when they get their first armband is that if the tat is in area where that is not accustomed to external abrasion it can be more sensitive. The outside of your bicep is used to being brushed, banged or otherwise touched and tats there are minimally painful. But the inside of the upper arm is usually well protected from stimulous. When the needle first goes in, the nerves are not prepared for it and can fire off a surprising round of pain.
seems like u know alot about it... do you have tattoos urself??? if yes then what kind?