Originally Posted by loveskyliemole
[font="Comic Sans MS"][color="SeaGreen"]Hiya!
Konnichiwa, minasan.
I am interested in Australian English and British English.
Could anyone be my teacher??
In return, I will be happy to help you with Japanese!
I used to teach Japanese at secondary college in Melbourne
and I loved the students and had a great time there.
I have some questions:
The other day, I heard a few English teachers from USA were saying...
When people say "How are you?" , don't say(answer) "I'm fine",
because we don't say that. say "good" instead.
but is that true?
The other day an Australian teacher told me that "good" isn't right, say "fine" or "well".
I am kind of confused.
I used to say
How are you going?
How's it going?
"good" (90%)
"not bad" "not too bad" (10%)
When I was in Australia.
since I came back to Japan,
I don't meet many Aussies here so
I use more
How are you?
How are you doing?
What's up?
but, now I am confused,
How should I answer!?
Please feel free to leave your questions about Japanese too,
I will try to come visit this site often and answer them
as much as I can.
that depends on where you are in the U.S. in alabama we usually answer with a "pretty good" or "fine"
it also depends on the teacher