Thread: Grammar
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KitsuneFr (Offline)
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05-24-2008, 10:34 PM

Yes, it seems to me that is the same kanji, kin (gold) or gin (silver). This kanji would mean a kind of metal as I believe, and it is the first part of friday (kinyôbi).

Don't worry if I make mistakes, I've so much to learn. But thanks very much to show me my mistakes, it is very kind, and I believe if I see my mistakes once, I've less chances to reproduce them after.

(And I remarked that in composed words, the second word beginning by k-, t-, s-, h-, etc... is often alterated by the tenten ("). So the Kitsune is alterated too, as you say.)

Thanks then

Qu'est ce qui pourrait être plus beau que les fleurs de cerisier?
さくらのはなが だいすきですよ!
(Sakura no hana ga daisuki desu yo!)

Last edited by KitsuneFr : 05-24-2008 at 10:38 PM.
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