Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
I've heard no expert that tows your line apart from the ones sponsored by American corporate sponsored thinktanks. The ones that suspiciously have an invested interest in maintaining the status quo. They MAY be valid but untill a university, government research department or other non-aligned intellectual institution comes to the same conclusion then I will not take a word any of these guys say seriously.
OK... perhaps you got me with the volcanoes... but you will have to clarify the statement that volcanoes produce more CO2 than anything man made in relation to the fact that humans do not contribute significantly to global warming. Do you mean everything manmade? And does that rule out mankinds contribution? And is CO2 the only think we're concerned about?
With your "thirdly" I said people LIKE you... as in people who tow YOUR line. Now that we've clarified that I suggest you stop taking things so personally.
Concerning your fourth point... I said renewable energy and green INITIATIVES. These include at a political level which in this country at least, has corporations up in arms threatening to take their businesses offshore if such INITIATIVES are implemented. The views you hold are being used by these people to try and block these INITIATIVES by discrediting what the experts (that I find are credible) are saying. What I was saying was that there are other reasons apart from global warming which these INITIATIVES serve our interest. (i.e. I was making a point which reinforces my position rather than countering anything you were saying... though I suppose I should've made that clearer)
If I'm honest with you, I have to say that it's actually the oposite... The majority of people holding your view are convinced by "American corporate sponsored thinktanks" as you put it... The EXPERTS i've seen are some of the best Dr's, Prof's and researchers etc... On the other hand, a lot of this "humans are destroying the world" comes from people that don't seem have any real scientific background, ie. Al Gore... I find it strange how in 10 years, there have been a ridiculous amounts of "experts" on climitology and geology etc. If you're able to watch a program called
The great global warming swindle. If not, I'll try post some articles.
What I mean by Volcano's thing is, if you take all the CO2 created by humans; from Car's to factories etc, you will find we create far far less than volcano's. I hope that makes it clearer... If you don't believe that, then let's add the oceans and animals and plants... Fallen dead leafs around the world create far far far... far more CO2 than anything human. This is why I was replying to MMM's post by saying what would reducing 1% (of course this is a guess) of overall CO2, change?
I'm aware that you didn't mean ME personally... But I find it funny how people use those kind of arguments to justify why people believe a certain thing... How would you like it if I said, people that take your line of thought usually take it because without all this Global Warming business, you'd be unemployed?... It's an assumption. You probably have nothing to do with any Global Warming groups, but that statement is exactly the same as yours... it's assuming something about the other party in order to try and disprove someones views...
For the last part, no real comment apart from this global warming thing has become Global, therefore I doubt businesses can say or do that anymore. lol. I wouldn't even disagree with the rest. Keeping this planet clean is never a bad thing and I hope we don't destroy the planet... I'm just not a fan of this humans are warming up the planet. I can't say that I'm sure about either side, but I really really doubt your side! It just seems tooo simple and unlikely when considering other things.