Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
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05-25-2008, 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by ilovedaisuke7 View Post
Those pictures actually made me sqeal out loud. XD *slaps self for being such a FG*
But that hurt so bad!! [due to sore throat and other crappy sicknesses]

Anyways, that translator really needs to update! >_<
She's driving me crazy with all those blog entries! Both Pon and Saga have blogged. T_T And Nao blogged of course. XD
awww you're sicku too?!!!!! *cuddles*
*puts pon to take care of you*

I know and they didn't blog just once *glares*
I think hiro-pon has like 3 entries and god knows how many nao does
*demands for translation*
last time it worked XDDD
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