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Nathan (Offline)
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Installing Japanese Text Support - 05-25-2008, 09:55 PM

I've noticed quite a few people using the "my computer can't read Japanese characters" excuse for not studying. If you're serious about it, its not hard to remedy that situation.

You will need your Window's CD (I'm assuming most people run XP these days)

Using Japanese Text Input on a Microsoft Windows PC

Open up your Control Panel, and look for the "Regional and Language Options" icon. It looks like a little globe. Double click to open it.

Go to the Languages tab. Check the box in the 2nd section "Install files for East Asian languages". You should insert your Windows CD then click either OK or Apply. It takes up about 230MB, which isn't really much space at all these days. Just follow the setup wizard.

For those of you with a mac:

It isn't hard to figure out how to manipulate a computer these days. Just do a quick search.
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