Thread: Kansai Ben
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(#15 (permalink))
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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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05-26-2008, 02:19 AM

Yeah, I notice the same tendencies regarding the uses of ~へん and あかん/いかん in Nagoya as Nyororin.

The Nagoyans who use ~へん and あかん with consistency often originally come from other parts of Aichi-ken. I've seen this in my own family. My mother and her parents are native Nagoyans and I don't think I have ever heard them say either あかん or ~へん. They say いかん and "せん" as opposed to "へん".

My father and his parents, however, say both あかん and へん all the time. They are from only 30-40 kilometers south of Nagoya ( Chita Penninsula ), though.

So, even though I grew up hearing あかん and ~へん, those still sound pretty much non-Nagoyan in my own ear. I heard them at home but not really in school as I grew up in Nagoya.

But then again, the Kansai-style speech has had enormous influence via TV on the rest of the nation in the last decade. I do hear teenagers saying あかん or なんでやねん in casual speech not only in Nagoya but also even in Tokyo these days. Just the little phrases, you know, but not long sentences.
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