05-26-2008, 07:51 PM
You can not learn the Japanese language via anime/drama and other media.You maybe able to learn some words and informal speech, however its impossible to just up and one day deside to watch nothing but anime to learn from it. I have been learning Japanese for about a year now and when I watch subbed anime I often find that things are mis-translated or half-assed translations.
I know a person who was learning Japanese though anime...for 5 months. She was bragging and said to another.
"Watashi wa nihongo ga desu ka?" She said that it ment "Do you know japanese." She didn't even know how to say you or myself...
You can't go around using ore, teme, omae to everyone. You will just look like a fool. When talking to others I use watashi when talking to my friends I use boku I haven't used ore yet and I haven't seen a need to at the moment.
As far as listening practice. JDramas, games shows, cooking shows, talk shows. those I feel are good.