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(#93 (permalink))
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MissMisa (Offline)
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05-26-2008, 09:53 PM

Originally Posted by EveV View Post
Sure stars are all skinny however I think that in the real world, including Japan. That small people aren't accepted.
The biggest trend nowadays is to look healthy.
If you're "too" skinny , you're a bag of bones.
If you're " too" fat, you're a tub of lard.
It's fucking stupid.
It's true, people seriously find it hard to see past your exterior nowadays. Someone said I was getting fat the other day, and I was like WTF!? I can see myself in the mirror, and I know for a fact I'm not fat or anywhere near fat. But those kind of comments could really affect someone sensative. You can't seem to win though. If your slim then your aneroxic, and if your not really skinny then your fat, there seems to be no middle ground in the whole thing. I've been called fat and thin. I am what I am and I wish young girls could see past this whole thing, being either extreme is obviously unhealthy.
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