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MMM (Offline)
JF Ossan
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05-27-2008, 01:18 AM

Originally Posted by Nathan View Post
I would love to hear her ask me "I am the Japanese language?"

A note of the translations - Sometimes they're off because the translator was in a rush, or perchance lazy, othertimes its just what would fit better in English. I know there are quite a few common Japanese phrases that you just wouldn't say in English.

Easiest example: 頑張りましょう (ganbarimashou)

How often would you say "Lets do our best!" at a sporting event? "Let's kick some ass!" would be more likely.

What about during a test?

I'm sure MMM will probably correct me, but direct translation does not always work. Most non-professional translating will be interpretative at best.

The trick with any translation is knowing your audience. Anime isn't intended to be used as study guides, so the translations aren't always accurate. It has nothing to do with being in a rush or laziness when it comes to professional translators doing legally licensed translations (I can't comment on fansubs). You have limitations in time and space, so sometimes what the character is saying in the screen in Japanese and what is written below isn't the same thing.

Last edited by MMM : 05-27-2008 at 01:21 AM.
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