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JF Ossan
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05-27-2008, 06:04 AM

Originally Posted by Paul11 View Post
Not much possibilities, unfortunately. You can teach English, but if you're not fluent in language and non-verbal communication, very difficult. Also important is where you live. My time is usually spent in the country side, there's nothing. If your tech or business minded you may find work in a company in tokyo or other huge town.
Also, most folk who stay longer than a few years tend to go bonkers. People I met who where there for six years tended to be a little bent. Strange look in the etye and never knowing the date.
Have your lady visit the states, too and you can decide where you want to stay!
Wishing you good luck!
There are a lot more possibilities with permanant residency. Not needing a visa allows for all kinds of work, and not everyone wants to wear a suit and tie and live in the corporate world. He will have to understand that with only a high-school diploma, your choices are limited, but there is no reason why you can't be gainfully employed and support your family.

I have found that people tend to go bonkers in the first year or not at all. Many people here have spent more than six years in Japan, and they seem sane to me.
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