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Beronika (Offline)
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Posts: 4
Join Date: May 2008
Undergraduate study at a Japanese university - 05-27-2008, 01:07 PM

Hello everybody.
I would really like you to help me because I'm in a great dilemma.
I would like to apply for a scholarship to do my undergraduate study in Japan which means that I am supposed to study Japanese for a year and then pass the university examination.
However, I am determined to major in Business or Economics and I would like to receive your feedback on whether it is a good idea to study it in Japan. I know a lot of Japanese leave for Europe or North America to pursue their studies in this domain.
I know that by studying in Japan I shall get an insightful experience of a fascinating civilization and I could learn Japanese which would be of much help. But I would like to ensure my studies are competitive as well. Do you think studying Business in Japan is so?
p.s.: I am from an Eastern European country and I have already been to Japan on a short exchange program.
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