Hey, I just realised I may have come across like I wanted to argue or whatever, when I really didn't. So sorry about that. I hear you and understand what you say.
And the daily thing wasn't meant to imply that you drink every day, just that it's a part of the univ. lifestyle (once a week for many, perhaps). Maybe some of my points are lost in translation like that (I'm not a native speaker so I surely make errors).
Well, anyways,
Have fun

I hope it works out for the OP, and mainly i hope he doesn't become one of the 'gaijins' that add negatively to our rep
Originally Posted by MMM
He has to go for his experience. I was pointing out that the university doesn't do the exchange strictly for HIS benefit. It's an exhange. Goes both ways.
I have to question that reality. I do not believe that almost all college students drink daily. Yes, lots of college students drink, that is no doubt, but there lots and lots of college students that don't drink, too.
I wasn't saying you, but people in general. I think you thought my comments were directed at you personally, and they weren't.
I know you didn't.
Japan works in groups and circles. Within the Japanese university, you are a representitive of your home university, but outside of campus you are a representive if your Japanese college. If you get in trouble you embarrass your Japanese college, not your home school
Again, I think you think this comment was directed to you specifically when it wasn't.
I don't know what goes on in the minds of admittance committees, but I assure you the more they work to get students from foreign countries the more they expect of those students, so I do think they expect more.
Again, I wasn't talking about YOU, but just to people in general.