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AshriiN5 (Offline)
Jin Akanishi's Wifey
Posts: 29
Join Date: May 2008
Location: America
05-28-2008, 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by LadyOfTheSpiders View Post
I am looking for a really good friendship from USA,UK,Japan or CHINA with the same fields of interests like me( you can watch this at my homepage ) and I am very interested in the art of Ninjas and Samurais,too..So, I am looking for a female Ninja or Samurai for a good and long friendship..per e-mail,per chat and maybe for writing letters, because I love writing letters very much too..
I hope I have a chance,
thank you for reading

Hiya ! I live in the USA and I would love to be your good friendship from America tehe. Well, I'm not a Ninja or Samurai, but those things interest me too. However, I am a girl and I like to write letters too and such so I hope we can become friends (Huggles) PM me anytime you like

Jin Akanishi is My Wonderful Hubby <3 I'm his Wonderous Wifey <3 We have a Wondermous Family consisting of Chinen Yuuri, Hiro, and Us <3
~ My Dream Family ~
(Of Course, Chi-kun would be younger than me )
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