05-28-2008, 02:07 AM
Deer meat that tasted like beef? Someone must have really worked on marinating it, because it shouldn't. I like deer ribs and deer jerky, but I will pass on any other parts. And the longer it ages the stronger the gamey taste gets. Basically if its not cooked right were the animal was shot, I can pass on it.
Horse, I have probably had, but I am not sure whether that's what any of the various "mystery meats" were that I have ingested. I know more than one restaurant I patronized over the years were busted for serving it.
And raising beef cattle or other mammals commonly raised for food doesn't seem to make any difference in the appetite for most people I have known. One grandfather was a butcher and the other a cattleman, and the whole family eats beef. The one exception I know are people who work in poultry packing companies. Most people I know who worked the line became vegetarians. Even I have to be really hungry to eat turkey. I never liked it, but after an introduction to the processing, I would prefer not to be any where near a turkey unless it running on its own two legs.
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