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tommasi (Offline)
West Tokyo Native
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Location: Tokyo
05-28-2008, 06:08 AM

Originally Posted by Beronika View Post
Hello everybody.
I would really like you to help me because I'm in a great dilemma.
I would like to apply for a scholarship to do my undergraduate study in Japan which means that I am supposed to study Japanese for a year and then pass the university examination.
However, I am determined to major in Business or Economics and I would like to receive your feedback on whether it is a good idea to study it in Japan. I know a lot of Japanese leave for Europe or North America to pursue their studies in this domain.
I know that by studying in Japan I shall get an insightful experience of a fascinating civilization and I could learn Japanese which would be of much help. But I would like to ensure my studies are competitive as well. Do you think studying Business in Japan is so?
p.s.: I am from an Eastern European country and I have already been to Japan on a short exchange program.
Could you specify which East European country you are from?

Also, what are your other options?

Let's say is it both financially and realistic for you to attend universities in English Speaking countries?
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