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(#39 (permalink))
ChibiOrochimaru (Offline)
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goth loli all the way! - 05-28-2008, 09:47 AM

I'm a goth loli! It's nothing to do with that perverted book at all. It's what's known as 'Wasei Eigo' in Japanese. It means it has other english connotations which are not used in Japanese and are in no way asscoiated with that connotation!

It's not at all to do with being seductive to men, it's about expressing yourself through a fashion and being 'cute!'. Here in England, all the gothic lolitas I've met do it for the same reason me and my friends do it. Because it's cute and looks cool!

It's all about culture and fereedom of expression not social connotations!

remember- wasei eigo!
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