Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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05-28-2008, 11:20 AM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
daidai@ Wiiiiii I'm a psychic!!! X"D
I know I posted those pictures *hides under tora*
me no likey pink unless miyavi wears it ... or yeah shou is excused cause he's SHOU *giggles*
awww trust me I wouldn't mind to have dreams with jrockers,especially with alice nine boys x3

oh I found the pictures.I'm in so many communities is damn hard to keep track on them -_-"
and I know....a girl on LJ posted pics with saga and his hair
damn he had lots of hair-cuts *drools at saga and hiroto*

and yushies the title is weird,I'd even say gay *is ashamed of shou*
EEK!! I want the booklet too x3.I need to talk to my dad about this

MP@ I was really wondering what happened to you *giggles*

You don't like pink? You silly girl! XD I like pink, especially on Jrockers.
*pushes Adii to sleep* Dream, Adii, dream! XD

Haha, I'm glad you found them. ^^ Saga has had a lot of haircuts, but they all look good on him. XD

And those scans are so adorable<33
I wish there was more. T_T;
But oh well, that blue shirt looks so good on Pon! *__*
They all look so darn good. XD
I was showing pictures of them to some of my friends, and they thought they were models. XD
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