JF Old Timer
Posts: 541
Join Date: Sep 2006
05-28-2008, 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by xX2DXx
Thank you MissMissa, Suki, Koaku and TalnSG.
I'm sorry I didn't include my travel date, its from june 23 to july 12 and I also have a map of where I'm going to be walking

There's no way you'll get through France in that time if you're walking. If you want my advice, France has an excellent railway system that would be wise to take advantage of - they call it the SNCF (Société Nationale des Chemins de fer Français).
Oh by the way my brother said they closed off the very top of the Eiffel Tower to tourist, is this true? and whats the London Eye (well I can look it up on the internet lol).
The Eiffel Tower is absolutely packed with tourists, so if you plan on going up it, be prepared to wait in a queue for anything up to 5 hours. When I went - I think sometime in the early spring of 2005 - fortunately I was able to get up rather easily. 
But in my opinion, there are better things in Paris than the Eiffel Tower. Montmartre and the Arc de Triomphe are must-sees. And yeah the London Eye is also pretty nice if you're going to London. If you want to know anything else don't hesitate to ask.
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Last edited by Hisuwashi : 05-28-2008 at 02:18 PM.