Originally Posted by Akakage
Teachers make around 230-250,000 yen a month. It would be extremely difficult to raise a family on this. But if you're able to get a working visa, I believe your wife can receive a spouse visa that will allow her to find work as well, so you would have two incomes. (I'll have to check on that to make sure) What exactly does she do for a living?
Unfortunately, spouses of those on working visas do not receive permission to work. That only happens in the case that they are married to a Japanese citizen.
You can easily raise a family on 250,000 a month if you live outside of Tokyo or Osaka. We spend about that much to keep our family afloat, and we`re paying off a condo and own a car.
I`d love to give you more advice - I am friends with a number of Taiwanese in this area and they might have some pointers to possibly help your wife also get a visa that would allow her to work... Or even open a new window in that direction. Please feel free to PM me, and if you have any sort of chat program I would be more than happy to register you and talk.
(Feeling nice and helpful toward your situation as I started out in Japan with no visa, and currently have a 3 year old son.)