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05-28-2008, 11:07 PM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
ETA: This is a bit of a touchy subject in my case, as I do have real valid reasons. Everytime someone non-Japanese (or rather, from English speaking countries) hears that I am pursuing citizenship... Their immediate response is "Why do something like that? It`s not like you`ll ever REALLY be Japanese. You`ll ALWAYS be a gaijin!"
That`s not the point, and that`s not what I`m aiming for.
I'm surprised you've actually received reactions like that given how long you've lived there and that you're married with a child too. Seriously, seeing that you're pursuing a Japanese citizenship doesn't surprise me in the least. It makes sense since you have no intention of returning to the US to reside.

IMO, if you live in a place for a very long time and don't plan on moving back to your home country for whatever the reason, I could see why a person would want a citizenship in said country.

If I ever move to Japan, or any country, and like it enough to want to continue living there permanently, especially if I've been there for 5+ years, and I have a place to live there and am working, even I wouldn't mind pursuing a citizenship...or at least a dual one, if it was possible.

Out of curiosity, is it possible to get a dual citizenship? What's the process for that?

Last edited by SSJup81 : 05-28-2008 at 11:10 PM.
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