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Nekozawa (Offline)
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05-29-2008, 01:59 AM

I make my own all the time.
Go to a thrift store, and go find all the vintage stuff.
The deals are amazing, and it's waaaay cheap.
If you find something you like, get it. There'll be nothing like that ever again. It's one of a kind and it could be gone the next day.

Anyways, I found some old man pants, that were plaid. Icky high waters.
I made them shorter so they weren't an icky length, and added two chains to hang down like suspenders.

Find a plain sweater, cut holes in it, (unless it already has holes. Which saves you time AND even MORE money! )
be creative! Do whatver you like.
I found a hot pink vintage dress that should've been $1K. I got it for $5.
I did a few adjustments to make it look more modern, and voila!

I have some pictures somewhere...

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