JF Regular
Posts: 79
Join Date: May 2008
Location: With snakes =P
05-29-2008, 07:06 AM
Thanks Suki I will try to swing by there during lunch to avoid the rush hour .
Yes I'm going to be walking the whole way, well except for some parts I might have to take a boat or something but the ending date I gave you guys is only an estimation of what I am aiming for but not quite certain yet.
What about going through the airport when leaving the states?, what kind of precautions do they do?.
I heard you have to pack Jels and any liquids in a little bottle, I have a paper I got from the airport but I was wondering about bug spray. Does that need to be in the bottle too or can you just have a little can in your suitcase as well as sunblock or can I buy them there?.