05-30-2008, 01:11 AM
To be honest I didn't like it.
Not that it was bad, but more towards the fact that you only seemed like you brought up the console wars (which is a fallacy btw, but that's something different) was to undertone the other two, and glorify your preference. Which is fine, but not a very good tactic to make yourself come across as impartial, and giving fair reviews.
With that said the main thing I noticed was your lack of insight towards the other two consoles. Which is fine, but if you're going to review all three, isn't very professional at all.
Like with the features, you made sure you highlighted everything but only skimmed the other two. You said the Wii has the browser, USB, DS connectivity, News, Sports, Weather, and Shopping channels (basically dedicated websites that can be viewed only through an application), and of course the motion sensing controller.
PS3 you only really mentioned Blu-Ray (You really misrepresented what Blu-Ray was it seemed too) and USB ports, and Online play like you just wanted to get it out of the way. When really the PS3 has a browser just like the Wii, it's own store (better in my opinion, I hate dealing with that crap of 'MS Points" or "Wii points" having to do some nonsense convertion when I can just use real money straight to my credit card), way more PSP interactivity (remote play, remote start, digital copies from Blu-Rays, downloadable games/demos off the store, file transfer). Media center features (you can steam music and video straight to the PS3 wirelessly), 6 way video conferencing, instant messaging and the the freedom of user-created themes, and wallpapers.
The 360 you're right about the online play, and the media center. You can sync your MSN sign in to show what game you're playing. It too can also stream media from your/a PC. The 360 also has a video market place offering high definition video and movie downloads (rental/purchase, and not quite 1080p, compressed 1080i/720p I think). The late HD-DVD add on (cheap but limited alternative), and lastly achievements.
As for games the only thing you were off about is the PS3 being hurting for games. It's having several released this year. Exclusives I can name are Haze (critics nightmare, but apparently good), MGS4, Little Big Planet, Disgaea 3, and Siren. Yea yea, not many point being the notion that PS3 has no games is out-of date. It's rare to see a truely "great" game released exclusively now a days aside from some Nintendo ones... because they milk their franchises to death but make sure to treat the cow like a queen so the milk stays fresh and they don't end up with a dried teet.
To summarize: Overall it was okay, but you should really look more into the competition before doing reviews like this so you don't get immediately dismissed as a fanboy/girl looking for an excuse to be on the internets.
Lastly, like noodle said I'd recommend scripting.
As of 08/11/2008 5:33 PM Eastern Standard time I now officially own:
Miyavi, Kyo, Yuusuke, Maya, Gou, Aki, Aoi, Jun, Yusa, Jui, Key, Heechul, Yesung, Riku, Kei, Jyou, Satoshi, Takeru, Sin, Teddyloid, ♀Yooh♂, Reo, Tomoya, Tatsuro, Hitsugi, Kyoharu, Takanori Nishikawa, Jay Chou, Hirokai, Die, Kaoru, Shinya, and Toshiya.