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tommasi (Offline)
West Tokyo Native
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05-30-2008, 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
I have a (or rather *had* - I haven`t spoken to her in years) a friend in the US whose grandparents immigrated to the US from China. Her parents were born and raised in the US, never visited China, and did not speak any Chinese. Needless to say neither did she. But she was asked, almost daily, where she was from. If she answered "America", they`d say "No, I mean where you`re really from."
I'm not sure exactly where in the US you are from but this is actually a very good point.

You do get that if you are not white and live in the Mid West or other white communities in rural areas.

I think people who oppose to Nyororin's citizenship is somewhat from white background because even if you come from multi-cultural society, you know if you are not white, you would run into occasions like people asking you where you REALLY come from just based on your apprearance.

Sometimes you don't see the racism because you are not targeted.

For example, when I lived in Australia, it was pretty well known that if you are Asian, you need to have a higher enter score (GPA) to get into medical and law programs.


There are too many Chinese immigrants and the white govt didn't like the idea of Chinese people taking all the high professions.

You wouldn't know if you are white cos well, you just don't experience it.

Last edited by tommasi : 05-30-2008 at 02:14 AM.
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