Originally Posted by butterflymiko18
I'm surprised there weren't like a thousand replies to this. I'm sort of learning Japanese on my own, but it would be awesome if u could teach me. Please and thank u. Ppl say I don't need to learn the grammar, but I learned English by learning how to form sentences on my own and not memorizing, so it would be helpful if u could teach me grammar.
Haahaa! I'd really have my hand full, if I had like a thousand replies on this thread, maybe it would be too much, neeh?(^__^)
It's good to hear you're learning Japanese on your own. Keep it up!^^
Ofcourse! I want to teach you, everything I know of the language so far, I would be happy to do so.
I think you're also right about the fact that you must learn the grammer.
It's a vital part if you want to understand the language. Good! Then, I will help you with the grammer.^^
I will send you a PM with further details, kay?!