Thread: Alice Nine
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ilovedaisuke7 (Offline)
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05-30-2008, 11:24 AM

Originally Posted by adina View Post
well ... I used to not stand pink in front of my eyes but not anymore
who knows?maybe in a year I'll like it X"D
yaaay *puts pon to undress you* O_O"

yaaaaaaay *cuddles next to tora*
awieeee and and I have to be the ...what's that bloody word??the bridesmaid???
yaaaaay *force herself to dream pon and daidai's wedding* ^^

haha I have like 2 or 3 piccus but nooo don't make me show them to you
oki maybe on just that he looked so weird x3
nooooo don't put naked shou on me *faints*
you know he's my biggest weakness X"D *rapes shou*

yushies *runs in circles*
we definitely have to do that again *giggles*

nan@it will be much better...their two photobooks were amazing *nods nods*
this will be too <3
Hehe yush! And then you can wear pink. XD
WOO! *lets Pon undress self*
I'm nakey! O_O

Yes, bridesmaid. ^^
Yay! XD *walks down the aisle in Adii's dream*

Hahaha, well it's okay, cuz someone posted them on Livejournal, and I saw them...
Oh jeeze... he looks so different! It's so weird! O_O
I'm so glad he's changed now. XD
I know your weaknesses... *mwhahaha*

Yush! Yush! Piccu-spam we must!
[I think Shakespeare is getting in my head. >_<]

Oh and that site you were looking for, was it this one?
secret a l i c e
I didn't really understand what you were looking for, but I think you meant this place.
They haven't updated in forever. T_T
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