Thread: Alice Nine
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adina (Offline)
Busier Than Shinjuku Station
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Join Date: Dec 2007
05-30-2008, 11:33 AM

yaaaay I'll wear pink ... some day ^^
Wiii daidai is nakey *takes piccus*
"SHOU you're drooling over me!! >_>"

yaaaay and shou will be the bestman and and ...let's make tora the priest O_O" but a priest with privileges *hides behind his ... emmm priest uniform?!*
lol my english sucks *laughs*

oh no you saw that horrible pic?? *dies*
promise me you'll never post it O_O"
poor shou...thank god he changed his style x3 *cuddles*
he looked sooo freak-ish
mwhaha you're so evil now you can black mail me cause you know all of them*blush*

O_O" *chase Shakespeare away*
I'm getting tired of him -_-"

awwww that site...I forgot about it cause they haven't updated in ages
livejournal is better *nods*
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